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Museum Small Craft Association Conference
Registration and the preliminary agenda information is now available for the Museum Small Craft Conference to be held October 20 – 23, 2013, at the North Carolina Maritime Museum in Beaufort, N.C. Goto …
August 7th Designated National Lighthouse Day
113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 204 Designating August 7, 2013, as ‘National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day’. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 30, 2013 Mr. KING (for himself and Ms. COLLINS) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to …
U.S. Senate Passes Resolution Commemorating the Charles W. Morgan
Measure Recognizes National Importance of Historic Whaleship’s Launch July 21 Mystic, Conn. – Today the United States Senate passed a resolution celebrating the July 21, 2013 launch of the Charles W. Morgan, the second oldest vessel in the United States and the world’s last remaining wooden whaling …
Launch of CHARLES W. MORGAN Video Stream
From Steve White at Mystic Seaport: Mystic Seaport will be offering a live video stream of the launch of the Charles W. Morgan on Sunday, July 21. We welcome you to use the stream as you see fit. The ceremony starts at 2 p.m. EDT …
A Warm Welcome to our Newest CAMM Member!
The U.S. Lighthouse Society is now an affiliate member of CAMM. Based at the Point No Point Lighthouse in Hansville, Washington, the U.S. Lighthouse Society is a non-profit historical and educational organization incorporated to educate, inform, and entertain those who are interested in lighthouses, past …
NMHS named 2013 Mariners Award recipient
NMHS named 2013 Mariners Award recipient BATH, Maine, July 8, 2013…The National Maritime Historical Society has been selected by Maine Maritime Museum to receive the 2013 Mariners Award in recognition of its leadership role in raising awareness of our nation’s maritime heritage and the role …
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