Annual Conference
2018 Conference Presentations
2018 Annual Conference Presentations
National Museum of Bermuda: April 4 – 6, 2018
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Morning Session – Disaster Planning
Paul Johnston, Smithsonian National Museum of American History
Disaster Planning at the Smithsonian
Deborah Atwood and Zoe Brady, National Museum of Bermuda
Batten Down the Hatches: The Importance of Disaster Preparedness in Museums
Bruce Jones, Columbia River Maritime Museum
Planning to Recover: Hurricane Katrina Lessons Learned
Beth Sanders, Naval Undersea Museum
Planning for the Worst: Collections Management Approaches to Disaster Planning
Afternoon Session – “Learning from Failure” Panel Discussion
Rolf Johnson, Anne Rand, & Sam Heed
Learning from Failure: Planning A Little Disaster Can Lead to Future Success
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Morning Session A – Education (Concurrent)
Laura Orr and Elijah Palmer, Hampton Roads Naval Museum
Re-thinking Museum Education
Branwen Smith-King, Bermuda Sloop Foundation
Experiential Learning
Tom Herbert-Evans, Endeavour Program
Education through Sailing
Rich Eisenberg, Erie Maritime Foundation/Bayfront Maritime Museum
High School Magnet Program Development (Grade 9)
David Allen, SUNY Maritime College
A graduate and undergraduate course in the peculiar issues facing maritime-focused cultural sites America
MORNING SESSION B – Collections Management (Concurrent)
Stephanie Loden, Naval History & Heritage Command
Revamping the Navy’s Loan Program
Lori Sanderlin, North Carolina Maritime Museum, Southport
Growing Pains: Collections Management and Transitions from a Private to a State Facility
Cipperly Good, Penobscot Marine Museum
Storage in an Imperfect World
Martina Caruso, South Street Seaport Museum
The South Street Museum Inventory Handbook
Michelle Kennedy, South Street Seaport Museum
A Printer, a Bank, and FDIC: The Clipper Card Collection South Street Seaport Museum
AFTERNOON SESSION – Underwater Archaeology & Museum and Organization Updates
Underwater Archaeology
Jim Delgado & Anna Holloway, SEARCH, Inc.
Bringing the Vessel to the Visitor: Underwater Archaeology as a Participatory Gallery Experience
Museum & Organization Updates
Burchenal Green, National Maritime Historical Society
How to Grow Museum Attendance by 600,000 Eager Members
Deirdre O’Regan, Sea History Magazine
Help Me Help You: Promoting Your Exhibitions in Sea History Magazine
Paul Cullen, Boston Marine Insurance Services
Covering the Full Exposure: Maximizing the Benefits of Marine Underwriters
Friday, April 6, 2018
MORNING SESSION A: Audience Development (Concurrent)
Sophie Cressall, Bermuda National Gallery
Using Local Artists to Reinterpret Your Collection
Howard Hoege and Lyles Forbes, The Mariners’ Museum and Park
Navigating a Sea Change: A Collection-Based, Audience-Focused Strategy
Duncan MacLeod, Vancouver Maritime Museum
The Lost Fleet: Exploring Historic and Modern Social Issues Through Exhibitions
Michael Harrison, Nantucket Historical Association
Nantucketers and their Boats: Reconnecting to the Community through Collecting and Scholarship
MORNING SESSION B: History & Case Studies (Concurrent)
Jane Downing, National Museum of Bermuda
Bermuda Piloting: 400 Years of Danger, Daring, and Dedication
Brendan Burke, St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum
Keeping the Light: New Landscapes for Research and Interpretation
Eric Wiberg
U-Boats Off Bermuda
Jeff Bowdoin & Dave Krop, US Naval History and Heritage Command
There and Back Again: The Journey of the USS Utah Bell
Jim McKee, Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site
Reaching for the Channel: Archaeological Investigations of William Dry’s Wharf and Efforts to Save It
CAMM Annual Meeting