Reciprocal Admissions
Enjoy free admission to participating museums

What is CAMM’s Reciprocal Admission Policy?
“CAMM Reciprocal Admissions” cards entitle $100-and-up members of CAMM museums free admission at other CAMM museums.
Why was this policy developed?
The program was developed to help fulfill CAMM’s mission of increasing awareness of maritime museums in North America. It is a tangible (low cost) benefit which can be offered to promote higher-level memberships at each museum. It also encourages significant donors to visit other maritime museums which they might also be interested in supporting.

Who participates?
All CAMM member museums – full and affiliate – are encouraged to honor the CAMM Reciprocal Admissions Cards at their gate and to provide the cards to their upper-level members. A minimum of offering free admission to the cardholder is expected. Some museums admit guests of the cardholder free of charge or offer other membership benefits as they see fit.
How does it work?
Each museum issues CAMM Reciprocal Admissions cards along with regular membership renewal cards to $100-and-up members. These cards are dated and must be presented with a current membership card from a CAMM member institution.
How does our museum get cards?
CAMM Reciprocal Admissions Cards are available free-of-charge from CAMM’s Secretary. A sample letter explaining the program is provided along with a list of the current CAMM member museums. This information provides the basis for a letter to be generated on your own letterhead, explaining the program to your constituents.