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CAMM Welcomes New Administrator

CAMM President Greg Gorga is delighted to announce that Cathy Green has been selected to be CAMM’s new administrator.

cathygreenphotoCathy has spent the last 16 years working as a marine archaeologist, educator and program manager in state and federal government. Her most recent work centers on grant writing and grants administration with NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries in the Great Lakes Region as Program Manger for the Great Lakes Bay-Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Program.

Her work in the maritime world over the past 20 years has intersected with maritime museums from the beginning – with one of her first post-college jobs at the Bermuda Maritime Museum to her East Carolina University MA thesis research at The Mariners’ Museum. She has taught maritime history and literature aboard several historic vessels for Long Island University’s SEAmester Program, visiting maritime institutions along the East and West Coasts, the Caribbean and Hawaii. Moreover, during her 13 years with NOAA, she has had the opportunity to work with CAMM members and organizations many times, as well as having attended several joint CAMM Conferences though her involvement in the North American Society for Oceanic History (NASOH).

She and her family recently moved to Wisconsin where she is looking forward to staying engaged with the maritime and museum communities through this new administration position with CAMM.

Candace Clifford has served as CAMM’s administrator since April 2013. She recently became the U.S. Lighthouse Society’s historian. Since the Society is a CAMM affiliate, she hopes to remain connected with CAMM in her new position. Candace has certainly enjoyed working with CAMM’s membership and hopes to see everyone at the 2017 meeting in San Francisco.

Cathy can be reached at the same CAMM Administrator email:

Submitted by Cathy Green and Candace Clifford, November 11, 2016

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