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Cavalla Historical Foundation seeking Executive Director to lead the Undersea Warfare Center

Organizational Overview: The Cavalla Historical Foundation (CHF) is a non-profit, 501(c)3, headquartered in Galveston County, Texas. The CHF oversees and operates the American Undersea Warfare Center (AUWC), located at Seawolf Park on Pelican Island in Galveston, Texas.Cavalla Historical Foundation - logo

Job Title:  Executive Director
Salaried-Exempt, $58,000.00 annually + bonus opportunity
Reports to: President, CHF Board of Directors

Interested personnel may apply Here.

Job Summary: The Executive Director is responsible to the CHF Board of Directors for overseeing all museum functions, events and operations of the American Undersea Warfare Center; directing all employee and volunteer staff; tracking revenue and expenditures; managing advertising and public relations with outside organizations; and coordinating actions with the museum’s co-owner, the Galveston Park Board (GPB), in accordance with the signed Operational Agreement.

General Responsibilities:
• Maintain emails, newsletters, web/social media pages, membership/contributor
databases, and attendance and event statistics.
• Oversee the development and ensure execution of advertisement and promotional
• Assist the Curator in ensuring all artifacts are identified and catalogued, and special
events are professionally planned and conducted
• Ensure the facility is open and visitor-ready during published open hours of operation,
as well as during any scheduled off-hour events.
• Direct staff, volunteer and visitor adherence to applicable local, state and federal safety,
employment, and equal opportunity requirements.
• Maintain working relationship with the Seawolf Park Manager for GPB to coordinate
activities related to the park grounds, facilities, visitors, events, etc.
• Work with appropriate individuals and committees to plan, budget, publicize, and
conduct all visitor educational experiences, military and memorial ceremonies and
reenactments, public events and activities, and other special events

Management Responsibilities:
• Oversee revenue producing actions and expenditures to ensure all appropriate financial tracking actions are taking place and reported to the CHF treasurer.
• Provide oversight of the custody, security and management of the CHF artifact
collection, and help coordinate actions with appropriates individuals and committees to
identify and procure appropriate artifacts as they become available.
• Coordinate with the CHF treasurer and board committees in overseeing all operational
and financial recordkeeping/reporting as needed to provided budget analyses and
financial decisions.
• Host and assist the US Navy Inspection Team during its annual inspection of donated
Naval vessels, ensuring identified discrepancies are mitigated or resolved

Volunteer Organization Responsibilities:
• Assist the Maintenance Manager to actively recruit, train and develop AUWC volunteers
and docents on a continual basis
• Direct the Maintenance Manager in overseeing all aspects of the volunteer outreach
activities at AUWC.
• Assist Maintenance Manager in coordinating with the CHF Board of Directors, the GPB,
and our volunteer support organizations to ensure tasks are adequately supported, and
ensure volunteers are properly received for duty, task managed, and properly credited
for their efforts.

Public Relations Responsibilities:
• Coordinate with local and national media, and other support organizations as needed to report on, advertise for, and promote CHF and AUWC activities and events. Actions may include but are not limited to: Establish and coordinate with the CHF Communications Committee an annual marketing plan. Track the advertising and promotions budget, including Hotel Occupancy Tax revenue, print/radio/TV advertisement expenditures, and social media opportunities. Provide marketing reports to the CHF Board on an as required basis. In coordination with the CHF Communications Committee, oversee the development of advertisements, public and social media marketing, and articles regarding the CHF/AUWC.
• Represent the CHF and AUWC at meetings, seminars, and training sessions including,
but not limited to: Attending GPB Trustee meetings as a visitor, and GPB monthly Parks and Amenities Committee (PAC) meetings as a board member. Attend key promotional events held by the GPB, Chamber of Commerce, City Council, Texas A&M Galveston or other partner organizations.
• Serve as the CHF and AUWC ambassador with local and national veterans, maritime and history organizations such as the VFW, Port of Galveston, Historical Naval Ships
Association, or the Galveston Historical Foundation.
• Coordinate with CHF board committees, the GPB and AUWC staff to actively conduct
and pursue fundraising through donors, grants, capital campaigns, and gift giving
• Perform other duties as assigned by the CHF Board through the President, CHF.

Minimal Qualifications:
• Five years of work experience in relevant field
• Bachelor’s Degree or commensurate experience in Operations Management, Business,
or Strategic Management.
• Experience leading/directing teams of employees, volunteers and support staff
• Working knowledge or experience in basic desktop MS Office computer software such
as MS Office 365, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and social media applications
• The ability to pass a background check
• Have a valid driver’s license and be insurable to operate organizational and personal

Desired Qualifications:
• Management of Non-Profit Organizations or related
• Fund raising experience (grant writing, donor cultivation, capital campaigns, etc.)
• Formal education or knowledge about military, WWII, and/or Naval history with the
desire to educate the public, especially scout/school-age kids in these areas
• Five years of Maritime work experience including operations and vessel maintenance
• Demonstrated experience in public speaking

Working Conditions:
• Full Time (40 hours/week) including weekends, holidays and special events. Subject to
24-hour call for emergency response/crisis management
• Ascend and descend steep ladders on the Naval vessels on a daily/frequent basis to
fulfill job duties
• Perform occasional manual labor to fulfill job duties including lifting up to 50 pounds
• Work effectively in outdoor settings including extremely hot temperatures or
windy/rainy conditions
• Adhere to organizational dress and grooming standards


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