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Dr. Timothy Runyan to be Presented with National Maritime Historical Society Award

National Maritime Historical Society LogoThe National Maritime Historical Society (NMHS) is honored to present NMHS trustee Dr. Timothy J. Runyan with the NMHS David A. O’Neil Sheet Anchor Award on Thursday, October 25, 2018, at the New York Yacht Club. Dr. Runyan is being recognized for his extraordinary leadership in building the strength and outreach of the Society.

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NMHS trustee Dr. Tim Runyan. (Photo NMHS)

In his long career as a professor and leader, first at Cleveland State University, and later at Oberlin College and East Carolina University, he guided countless college and graduate students through their academic programs and later in their professional careers.

If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, tickets, Dinner Journal messages of support, or something to help honor Dr. Runyan please contact Wendy Paggiotta at 914-737-7878 ext 235 or

Courtesy of: The National Maritime Historical Society 

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