The Institute of Museum and Library Services is extending the museum grant application deadline for institutions in federally declared emergency and/or major disaster areas who are not able to meet the current November 15, 2024 deadline because they have been adversely impacted by such emergencies and/or disasters.
IMLS will accept applications from such institutions for the following programs until 11:59pm on Friday, December 13:
21st Century Museum Professionals Program
Museum Grants for African American History and Culture
Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services
Museums for America
Museums Empowered: Professional Development Opportunities for Museum Staff
Museum Grants for American Latino History and Culture
National Leadership Grants for Museums
Inspire! Grants for Small Museums
For those applicants who have not been adversely affected by such emergencies and/or disasters, the deadline remains November 15, 2024 at 11:59pm EST.
All of us at IMLS know how vital libraries and museums can be for members of their communities during natural disasters. We extend our thoughts and wishes for the safety of the staff, organizations, and all those affected.
For questions about emergency extensions, please contact IMLS’s Office of Grants Policy and Management.
Resources for All Applicants
All IMLS grant applicants are encouraged to complete and submit their materials before the deadline to prevent last minute technical difficulties. Application resources for museums can be found below. |