Congress is moving swiftly to pass a massive economic relief package in response to the COVID-19 crisis and the Alliance is working to ensure the museum community is included. Based on budget numbers from several museum associations and numbers from the Oxford Economics/AAM’s “Museums as Economic Engines” study, we calculated that museums are losing at least $33 million a day due to closures as a result of COVID-19, will be in desperate need of significant federal support and that we needed to urge the U.S. Congress to include at least $4 billion for nonprofit museums in economic relief legislation to provide emergency assistance through June. You can join this important effort by signing your organization on to this letter.
To join the letter: Please email as soon as you are able with confirmation that your organization will sign-on and the name of your organization exactly as it should be listed on the letter. The more organizations join, the stronger the message. If you miss the 12 p.m. noon March 20 deadline but would like to join the letter, please continue to get in contact – we’ll continue to update and add organization’s names to the list for future and on-going circulation.
In the meantime, your continued outreach directly to your legislators is imperative. You can use our online action center to find your state and federal legislator information, and personalize your message to Congress in just a few clicks. You can use the same messaging with your state and local legislators. Please also share this information with your members and encourage them to contact their legislators as well.
Thank you for your critical advocacy for museums!
Ember Farber
Director, Advocacy
Government Relations & Advocacy
202.289.1818 • 202.218.7703 direct • 571-213-8517 CELL
American Alliance of Museums
2451 Crystal Drive, Suite 1005
Arlington, VA 22202
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