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MIT MUSEUM Assistant Curator Job Opening, Hart Nautical Collections 

As a member of the Collections Team, reporting to the Director of Collections, the Assistant Curator, Hart Nautical Collections, will be responsible for carrying out research; and developing, interpreting, and managing an active collecting program, including oversight of conservation and preservation activities, all consistent with the Museum’s mission. In liaison with MIT faculty and staff, scholars, and specialists, develop exhibitions; develop and contribute to educational and public programs; and provide public service by responding to inquiries about areas of expertise within maritime history, marine technology and ocean science. In 2020, the Museum entered a period of significant transition to begin dual relocation endeavors to a new museum building (opening 2022) and new collections processing and storage facility (off campus, opening 2023). During this 3-year period, a major focus of the Assistant Curator’s efforts will be on a wide range of activities and tasks to ensure the successful opening of the new museum and relocation of the museum’s nautical collections. Requirements include: Bachelor’s degree in maritime history/studies, history of technology and/or science, or related field. Knowledge of U.S. history. Minimum of 3 years of experience in curatorial and collections work. Demonstrated knowledge of interpreting, developing and managing museum collections. Deep familiarity and practical experience with collections database and management systems. Experience identifying and developing conservation and preservation treatments for the varied artifacts in maritime collections. Experience handling, packing, and moving collections. Knowledge of developing and maintaining museum exhibitions and exhibition-related programs. Demonstrated excellent writing abilities. For complete job description, see MIT Museum website:

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