Museum Small Craft Association Annual Meeting
Monday, October 5 – Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St Michaels, Maryland
The 2015 Museum Small Craft Association Meeting will be held Monday, October 5, and Tuesday, October 6, at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in Saint Michaels, Maryland. Museum small craft professionals and others who share an interest in small boat conservation and restoration, skills preservation, documentation, history, interpretation and research are invited.Presentations and discussions on a variety of small craft and museum related topics will include:
- Schooner Hebride 2, Roger Marsters, Maritime Museum of the Atlantic
- International Small Craft Renaissance, Lance Lee, Scholarshipwrights
- Monomoy Drill Boat, Al Klineberger, Dover Falls Foundation
- Deaccession Decisions, Craig Bruns and Mark Donohue, Independence Seaport
- Strategic Acquisitions, Lyles Forbes, Mariners Museum
- New Boat Shop, Michael Jones, Pinellas County Living Museum
- Edna Lockwood Project Planning, Michael Jones, Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum
- Edna Lockwood Documentation, Todd Croteau, National Park Service
- MSCA 40th anniversary, Past Present and Future of Small Craft, Moderator David Cockey
- Howard Chapelle (1901-1975) His Legacy Today, Pete Lesher, CBMM, and others
Other activities will include a Behind the Scenes Tour of the museum’s working boat yard and the curatorial areas, and a field trip to a local boatbuilder and the museum’s offsite boat storage area. Participants will be able to report on their institutions and organizations during Museum Reports. Monday evening will feature a cruise on the Miles River aboard the museum’s buyboat, Winnie Estelle, followed by dinner at the nearby Town Dock restaurant. Lunches will be provided on both days. There will also be time for informal discussions and to tour the museum
The registration fee is $85 and includes lunch both days, the Monday evening cruise on the Winnie Estelle, and dinner Monday at the Town Dock restaurant. Guests of meeting participants will be accommodated on the cruise on a space available basis, and may join the dinner Monday evening for $35. To register send the attached form with check made out to “Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum” to: CBMM, 213 North Talbot St, St Michaels, MD 21663 attn: Richard Scofield. For payment by credit card call Patti Miller, CBMM accountant, at 410-745-4954. Please register by September 25 if possible.
The museum has reserved a block of rooms for MSCA meeting participants from Sunday night through Tuesday night at the St Michaels Inn (formerly Best Western St Michaels) which is 2 miles from the museum. Rate is $89.99 / night. Phone number is 410-745-3333. Ask for a room in the Museum Small Craft Association block. St Michaels also has several other inns and bed & breakfast establishments, and accommodations are also available in Easton, approximately 12 miles from the museum. Camping on the museum grounds will not be available during the MSCA Meeting.
Mid-Atlantic Small Craft Festival
The MSCA meeting is preceded by the Mid-Atlantic Small Craft Festival which will be held from the afternoon of Friday, October 2 through mid-day on Sunday, October 4. Registration for MASCF is separate from MSCA Meeting registration, and MASCF participants may camp on the museum grounds for MASCF only. More information about MASCF and a link to online MASCF registration is available at
For more information about the meeting and the Museum Small Craft Association visit or contact David Cockey
For more information about the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum visit
Submitted by David Cockey, Museum Small Craft Association, August 25, 2015
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