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National Museum of the Great Lakes in the Top 10 Attractions in Ohio

National Museum of the Great Lakes  ranked as one of the Top 10 Attractions in Ohio in a currently running online poll.
CAMM Members will be happy to know that maritime museums can stand their own with top attractions in their states (closing in on Cedar Point Amusement Park!).  The National Museum of the Great Lakes in Toledo, Ohio is currently ranked as one of the top contenders in a USA Today “10 Best” 2017 Readers’ Choice poll for the state of Ohio.  You can support their nomination by voting on their website during the month of August.
National MuseumoftheGreatLakes
The National Museum of the Great Lakes, Toledo, Ohio (photo: NMGL)

Of course, all of our CAMM Member institutions merit a “10 Best” mention, so look for opportunities to promote your organization as a top attraction in reader polls.  Encouraging visitors to post positive reviews on user-driven travel websites is also a good way to promote your organization in a crowd-sourced online format.

Feel free to post your suggestions and stories of online promotional strategies in the comments below.
Thanks to Carrie Snowdon of the National Museum of the Great Lakes in bringing this to our attention.
About the National Museum of the Great Lakes:
The Great Lakes are not only the most important natural resource in the world, they represent thousands of years of history. The lakes have dramatically impacted the social, economic and political history of the North American continent. The National Museum of the Great Lakes tells the incredible story of our Great Lakes through over 300 genuine artifacts, a number of powerful audiovisual displays and 40 hands-on interactive exhibits including the Col. James M. Schoonmaker Museum Ship. Click here to explore the museum.

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