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Reference Books Available to CAMM Members

Paul Marlow, Volunteer Ships Plans Curator for the Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society has sent the following offer to CAMM members:

I have a personal collection of the Record of the American Bureau of Shipping that I saved from a being put in a dumpster at a community college several years ago. The years are from 1958 to 1969. I have them in storage and would like to donate single years or the entire set to any CAMM member that would like to add to their set or would like to have the beginnings of a collection. There also is a set of the Merchant Vessels of the United States from 1904 to the 1970s that was saved from the same fate as the Record’s. I have not decided yet which ones I will keep, but the offer is the same for them.

They are wonderful to have, but I am downsizing and cannot keep them all. 

You can reach Paul at

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