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Reimagining the Historic House Museum Workshop

One Week Left to Register!
Registration Deadline April 12
Reimagining the Historic House Museum Workshop
Friday, April 19
Montpelier House Museum
Laurel, Maryland
$200 AASLH Members / $325 Nonmembers

Time is running out to register for our one-day workshop, Reimagining the Historic House Museum. The deadline to register is next Friday, April 12.

This workshop includes an analysis of the most important opportunities and threats facing historic sites in America based on the latest social and economic research, with a discussion on how they may relate to the participants’ house museum. Field-tested tools and techniques drawn from such wide-ranging sources as non-profit management, business strategy, and software development will be shared. Drawing from innovative organizations, the facilitators profile historic sites that are using new models to engage with their communities to become more relevant, are adopting creative forms of interpretation and programming, and earning income to become more financially sustainable. A key component of the workshop is a facilitated brainstorming session to reinvent an event or program.

This workshop is facilitated by Ken Turino and Max van Balgooy, co-editors of the AASLH Book Series title Reimagining Historic House Museums: New Approaches and Proven Solutions. Attendees will receive a coupon code for 30% off this book as well.




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