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Support for Full Funding of Maritime Heritage Grants

Tim Runyan of the National Maritime Alliance has shared some good news:

A win!!

We scored a big win early this morning as the marathon session by the House Armed Services Committee marked up the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act. Language was included to restore the maritime heritage grant program. It was included in the Seapower subcommittee mark adopted by the full Committee.

Also included was an amendment to require the Maritime Administration to provide detailed reports on the ship recycling program, and report on funds for maritime heritage.

Earlier, the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee included language in the maritime bill requiring an annual report by the Maritime Administration on the vessel disposal program. It includes several references to the National Maritime Heritage Act and asks for reporting on the uses of heritage funds.

Next steps: bills move to the floor for approval; then to the Conference of the House and Senate; then signed into law by the President. The House–Senate conference is key, as our bill for restoration of the maritime heritage grant program is in the House bill, and must be accepted by the Senate. 

We must continue our advocacy efforts to clear these next hurdles. Major focus this past week was the Senate–three days of meetings. We need both House and Senate support going forward.

My thanks to all for your support, and contacting members of Congress. It makes a difference.

A little celebrating is in order! 


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