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Texas A&M University seeking Nautical Archaeologist/Conservator to join the Department of Anthropology

The Department of Anthropology at Texas A&M University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position specializing in nautical archaeology and artifact conservation to begin August 2018. The ideal candidate will have a well-rounded background in the field of maritime archaeology, with extensive training and experience in the conservation of artifacts from submerged sites. Knowledge of advanced archaeological recording and analytical tools and techniques is also desirable. Applicants should have a strong record of research, publication, and external funding that is commensurate with the present stage of their career. The successful candidate will be expected to conduct field and laboratory research, supervise graduate and undergraduate student research, teach two courses per semester, and participate in service to the Nautical Archaeology Program, Department of Anthropology, and College of Liberal Arts.

Minimum qualifications: Applicants are required to have in hand a Ph.D. in Anthropology or a related field and demonstrated experience in artifact conservation. Prior teaching experience, research publications, and success in obtaining external funding for research will be considered strengths. Applicants are encouraged to articulate how they may contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through their research, teaching and/or service.

Review of applications will begin December 1, 2017. Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV and contact information for three references as a single pdf file by email or mail to Search Committee Chair Dr. Deborah Carlson, Nautical Archaeology Program, Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843-4352 (<>).

The Department of Anthropology at Texas A&M University has 26 full-time faculty situated in four distinct programs: Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, and Nautical Archaeology. The Nautical Archaeology Program is closely affiliated with the Conservation Research Laboratory (CRL), the Center for Maritime Archaeology and Conservation (CMAC), and the non-profit Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA). Texas A&M University is a leading public research university with over 62,000 students located in the city of College Station which is within 90 minutes of both Houston and Austin. Texas A&M University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution and prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.


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