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The Charleston Museum – Curator of Archaeology – Job Announcement

The Charleston Museum seeks an experienced, full-time Curator of Archaeology for its
archaeology and anthropology department. Primary responsibilities include the curation and
proper management of the Museum’s cultural archaeology and anthropology collections using
modern curation protocols and standards, collaboration with the exhibition team on exhibit
development and installation, public programming related to the collection for both children and adults, responding to research requests, documenting the collection through research, cataloging objects in the collections database (PastPerfect), and supervising department interns and volunteers.

The following areas are crucial to the position:
Competent knowledge of the material culture of the Southeast U.S., from precontact to
postbellum, including environmental materials. Familiarity with South Carolina Lowcountry
Familiarity with current NAGPRA legislation and practices, and experience working with
indigenous and descendant communities.
Familiarity with basic conservation and stabilization techniques for archaeological materials,
including electrolysis.
Experience with GIS and digital map and image production.
Ability to conduct archaeological fieldwork.
Experience with archaeological laboratory analysis, database management, and technical report
Competitive salary and benefits including, health insurance, retirement plan and paid time off
To apply: Please email resume and cover letter to

Deadline is October 18, 2023

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