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U.S. Lighthouse Society Seeking 2018 Summer Research Assistant/Intern

JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: 2018 Summer Research Assistant / Intern

The U.S. Lighthouse Society is seeking a summer research assistant to copy historic documents relating to the U.S. Lighthouse Service and to make the documents accessible to the public through the Society’s new online catalog.

National Archives
Research side of National Archives building, downtown D.C. Photo by Candace Clifford

The position will require camera work at the National Archives, Washington, D.C., to make digital copies; processing the images on a computer using Photoshop and Acrobat Reader; and in many cases, uploading the files to an online database. The research assistant will also help the Society’s historian answer research requests from Society members.

Camera, computer, and research skills are needed for this position. An interest in and/or knowledge of lighthouse history is helpful but not required.

This is a full-time, 10-week position, paying $12 an hour. We anticipate that three hours will be spent copying records at the Archives each day and three hours doing computer work. An additional 2 hours will be devoted to a research project that generates an article for the Society’s quarterly journal, The Keeper’s Log; web pages; or posts for Lighthouse Society Newsblog.

This position will support several objectives of the United States Lighthouse Society, namely: maintaining a central repository of lighthouse information, conducting research on lighthouse history, and responding to requests for information and assistance. To learn more about the Society, visit their website at <>

The position will report to the Society’s Historian Candace Clifford. Please send letters of interest with a resume to Ms. Clifford at by April 16th.

Submitted by Candace Clifford, March 16, 2018

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