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$5 Million in Maritime Heritage Grant Funding!  Action Needed!

The attached letter signed by US House of Representatives Brian Higgins (D-NY) and Greg Murphy (R-NC) requests the House Appropriations Committee chair and ranking member to assure inclusion of $5M in the 2021 Defense Appropriations bill for the National Maritime Heritage Grant Program. This bill is being written now! The maritime heritage community must reach out to our local members of Congress requesting them to sign on as supporters of this bipartisan letter of request.

Please email or contact your local member asking them to be a co-signer of the letter. Be sure to attach, or include with your letter, the attached letter from Reps Higgins and Murphy.

Members can sign on to the letter by contacting Rep. Higgins’ Legislative Director Kayla Williams at:

As always, I encourage you to send your emails to a staff member by name to assure receipt and prompt attention. Your member’s local office can provide the email address; staff can also forward your letter to the appropriate staff member.

Please make the effort and contact your local Representative. More co-signers to the letter will help assure our success in securing the $5M for the grant program.


Timothy J. Runyan, PhD

Chair, National Maritime Alliance

Final Maritime Heritage DOD(3)


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