CAMM Program Chair Paul Fontenoy is now accepting session proposals for the upcoming CAMM conference at the Kalmar Nyckel Foundation’s new Maritime Center in Wilmington, Delaware, April 25-27, 2016. The conference has been extended to three days this year to allow for more opportunities to showcase current projects and share expertise!
Session proposals should be about topics of interest to maritime heritage professionals. Deadline for submission is January 15, 2016. Please use the online PDF form located on our annual conference web page or go directly to the form at https://councilofamericanmaritimemuseums.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/camm-conference-online-call-2016.pdf. Save your completed form and email it to Paul at <Paul.Fontenoy@NCDCR.gov>.
You don’t have to be on the staff of a CAMM institution to attend the annual conference or submit a proposal; however, you must be affiliated with a CAMM institution to apply for a Leonard Rennie Professional Travel Grant.
Submitted by Candace Clifford, October 28, 2105
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