Disaster preparedness is a topic of interest to all museums. Recent severe storms and natural disasters have demonstrated the particular vulnerability of maritime museums located on or near the water. Numerous CAMM member organizations have sites and resources that have experienced flooding, inundation, or environmental threats to buildings, ships, and docks in recent years.
As an organization, CAMM is hoping to further the conversation on how best to plan and prepare with a conference session at the 2018 CAMM Annual Conference in Bermuda this April. Our hosts at the Bermuda Maritime Museum are certainly well versed in dealing with hurricanes, and we welcome other member perspectives and experiences on this important topic.
This Maritime Museum Emergency and Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Manual that CAMM put together in the mid 1990’s holds much useful and relevant information.
More immediately, here is how you can help our member organizations impacted by hurricane Harvey directly:
The Houston Maritime Museum reported no major damage from hurricane Harvey to their existing facility and collections. Recently, the museum has begun a capital campaign to build on a new site – yet to be assessed. Museum Director Lisa Bowlin’s letter outlines their plans for the future. Explore ways you can help the museum here.
Galveston Historical Foundation reopened its numerous attractions on Friday, September 1 with free admission to most sites, including the Texas Seaport Museum and the Tallship Elissa, through the Labor Day weekend. All foundation sites weathered the storm relatively well and underwent cleanup efforts in the immediate aftermath of the storm. Of note, the 1877 Tall Ship Elissa was not damaged. Click Here to read the GHF statement in the wake of hurricane Harvey, or Here to donate.
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