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Pre- and Post-Conference Tours

Pre-Conference Tour on Tuesday, April 23

The Naval History and Heritage Command Detachment Boston, the preservation and restoration facility for USS Constitution, is offering a pre-conference tour to CAMM members. The tour, from 12.30-1.30, will include the production floor and rigging loft of the 1847 historic Building 24 which houses the Detachment’s worksite. The tour is limited to 20 and will include walking, standing, and climbing a flight of stairs from the 1st to the 3rd floors of the building.

The tour will gather in front of the USS Constitution Museum and be led by Margherita M. Desy, Historian, NHHC DET Boston/USS Constitution.

The tour is free but pre-registration is required since there is a limit to the number participating. Contact the CAMM Administrator at to register. You must be registered for the conference to participate.

Post-Conference Tour on Saturday, April 27

The Peabody Essex Museum and Salem National Maritime Historical site are offering a post-conference tour to CAMM members. This will include guided tours of both venues, including an on-board visit to Friendship of Salem.

Take the 09:30 train from Boston North End station to Salem, arriving at 10:00. You will be met there by Dan Finamore from the Peabody Essex Museum, who will lead the tour. Jennifer Hardin from the Salem National Maritime Historical will co-lead.

Lunch will be on you own either at the Peabody Essex Museum’s Café or at any of the many local restaurants. There are regular trains from Salem returning to Boston North End station.

The tour is free but pre-registration is required. Contact the CAMM Administrator at to register. You must be registered for the conference to participate.

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