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Query for the Membership

Art Sulzer with the Maritime Industry Museum at Fort Schuyler is seeking guidance from the membership:

“While our museum has been around for over 25 years and our history goes back to the founding of the school in 1874, we do not really have a professional staff and are certainly not professional historians, curator or archivists. . . .  [Here] are a few questions to other CAMM members for their guidance based on their museum experience.

 1) Inventory–We presently use Past Perfect 4.0 and are considering 5.0, or is there a better software to consider?

2) Looking for information on a system that lets museum visitors use a cell phone for guided tours or use a barcode through their phone like they can at Kalmar Nyckel’s exhibit.

3) Information on writing /developing Executive Director, Curator, Administrative Assistant and Board Member job descriptions.”

Please email your thoughts to

Art plans to summarize his findings and we will include them on our “Members Only” page.

Submitted by Dr. Art Sulzer, Maritime Industry Museum Board member, May 19, 2016


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