The Penobscot Marine Museum November Newsletter included this announcement:
A World War II propaganda poster in our collection states, “Fish is a Fighting Food!” Today, we are in a fight to save our fisheries, some from perspective of government over-regulation and others from a view that we have overfished the resource. Most can agree that the technological revolution between World War II and today has allowed fishermen to go farther faster and find and retrieve fish with greater mechanical and technological ease. As everyone fights for the fishery, the question is “where do we go from here?”
Join us next Saturday, November 5 at the UMaine Hutchinson Center, as our line-up of speakers look at the evolution of fisheries policy, consumption, and sustainability efforts from an ocean activist’s and a fisherman’s perspective, and how one periodical, the National Fisherman, documented that evolution.
Learn more at <http://penobscotmarinemuseum.org/event-single/2016-history-conference/http://penobscotmarinemuseum.org/event-single/2016-history-conference/>