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Membership Consultant?

Sam Johnson is taking a close look at the membership program at Columbia River Maritime Museum and is considering hiring a consultant to evaluate their program and suggest ways in which they can build their membership. He asks if any of the CAMM members have used a consultant recently and would recommend that consultant?

Send your responses to Sam at <>.


CAMM Welcomes Lowell’s Boat Shop as Newest Member

During its October 8, 2015 meeting, the Council of American Maritime Museum (CAMM) Board approved the Lowell’s Boat Shop’s application for membership. They are delighted to welcome this maritime museum and educational facility to the CAMM community.

Courtesy of Lowell's Boat Shop
CAMM’s newest member is located in Amesbury, Massachusetts. Courtesy of Lowell’s Boat Shop

Located in Amesbury, Massachusetts on the North bank of the Merrimac River, Lowell’s Boat Shop was established in 1793. According to their website it is the “oldest continuously operating boat shop in America and is cited as the birthplace of the legendary fishing dory.  . .  . skilled craftsmen continue to build wooden boats in the Lowell tradition on the property purchased by founder Simeon Lowell in the 1700s. The oldest buildings remaining on the site are combined Greek revival structures that were built in the early 1860s: the downriver shop by Simeon’s grandson, Hiram Lowell, and the adjacent Morrill and Flanders boat shop that was moved to the site by Hiram’s son, Fred E. Lowell.  In the 1940s, Ralph Lowell, the last of the Lowell family to own the business, further expanded the building at each end with the additions of the Office and the Paint Room.”

Designated a National Historic Landmark in in 1990, the Boat Shop has been run as a non-profit working museum since 1994. In January 2007, the Boat Shop was purchased by Lowell’s Maritime Foundation whose mission is “to preserve and perpetuate the art and craft of wooden boat building and promote the history of Lowell’s Boat Shop and its environs.”  Lowell’s continues to build its full line of dories and skiffs for oar, sail or power.  Innovative educational programs and exhibits are offered to the public throughout the year, and rowing is available seasonally.

CAMM Welcomes Florida Maritime Museum as its Newest Member

Photo courtesy of Florida Maritime Museum
Photo courtesy of Florida Maritime Museum

At their last meeting, the Council of American Maritime Museum’s Board unanimously voted to approve the Florida Maritime Museum’s application for affiliate status. They are delighted to have this Gulf Coast institution included in CAMM’s membership.

According to their website, “the Florida Maritime Museum is sponsored by Manatee County Clerk of Circuit Courts, and is situated on almost 4 acres of land in the historic fishing village of Cortez. Cortez Villagers have survived hurricanes, economic depressions and threats to their livelihood from a reduction in fishing grounds and regulations on the fishing industry. The residents of this community are passionate about preserving the past and ensuring that current and future residents and visitors to Manatee County understand the significance of Cortez Village and the broader maritime history of the area.”

“Founded on the importance of this regional, commercial fishing industry, FMM tells a number of stories pertinent to all aspects of Florida’s maritime history. Exhibits include historic photographs, boat models, tools, instruments, and other historically significant material relevant to Florida’s maritime culture and history. The museum is also home to a research library that includes a variety of books, plans, logs, diaries, periodicals, letters, records and related archival material whose content is relevant to research concerning maritime subjects with special emphases on Florida’s Gulf Coast.”

CAMM Member Blogs

CAMM members have created an impressive variety of blogs to highlight their exhibits, collections, and educational resources. They are listed under the “Resources” section of our website. Have I missed any?

Submitted by Candace Clifford, CAMM Administrator, June 4, 2015

CAMM Welcomes S.S. Lane Victory as Its Newest Member

Lane Victory lores
S.S. Lane Victory, built in Los Angeles in 1945, is open to the public on the San Pedro waterfront. Photo by Candace Clifford
welcome lane victory
CAMM President Dave Pearson welcomes Gregory Williams, Executive Director of S.S. Lane Victory at CAMM’s business meeting on battleship Iowa during the recent conference.

Owned and operated by the U.S. Merchant Marine Veterans of World War II, the S.S. Lane Victory is CAMM’s newest member.

According to their website: “S.S. Lane Victory served with distinction during World War II, The Korean War, and the Vietnam War as well as in times of peace as part of the merchant fleet.  After years of deterioration in mothballs, it took countless hours of restoration to put her back into her original condition by volunteers of the United States Merchant Marine Veterans of World War II.  A nationally recognized historic landmark, the S.S. Lane Victory now serves as a living museum and memorial to the service and sacrifices of all Merchant Marine sailors and Navy Armed Guardsmen. Several times each summer she sails into the past on one of her ‘Victory At Sea’ cruises where ‘old salts’ can reminisce about adventures past, and younger generations can catch a glimpse of bygone times.”

Travel Opportunity for CAMM Institution Members

Mystic Seaport is planning its second members’ trip to Cuba and thought it would be nice to open the trip to other CAMM member museum’s memberships.  This year Eric Roorda, author of “Cuba, America, and the Sea,” will be our main guide and the tour is being structured as much as possible to be maritime history oriented.  I am also planning to go as I have been involved with the preservation of Ernest Hemingway’s estate in Cuba. My involvement has been in advisory role for the preservation of PILAR, Hemingway’s boat.

Visit the link to our Website page describing the trip: or call Alex Alpert at 860-572-5382. Space is limited!

Dana Hewson
Vice President for Watercraft Preservation and Programs
Clark Senior Curator for Watercraft
Mystic Seaport

A Warm Welcome to our Newest CAMM Member!

The U.S. Lighthouse Society is now an affiliate member of CAMM. Based at the Point No Point Lighthouse in Hansville, Washington, the U.S. Lighthouse Society is a non-profit historical and educational organization incorporated to educate, inform, and entertain those who are interested in lighthouses, past and present.  For more information on their activities, visit their website.

The U.S. Lighthouse Society plans to invite CAMM members to participate in their popular passport program.  Details will be posted when available.

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